New companies tend to search for information about trademarks in their residence before registering for a trademark legitimately. But, where can you find a precise and reliable Indonesia trademark database? Is every site of Indonesia trademark reliable and updated?

To ease things up for you, here are the official websites and reliable sites where you can find information about the database of Indonesia trademarks.

Official Websites of Indonesia Trademark Database

The first spot to look up for the database is of course and official websites. It is updated regularly and provides good statistics for you to analyze better and sharper. Here are the two official websites you can look up to.

The official website of Directorate General of Intellectual Property

The website of the Directorate General itself is reliable and updated regularly. You can find them on dgip. You can look up for every brand and trademark that has applied for a legitimate plea form (the registered one, the processing one, and the rejected one are all available) and also other information related.

In that site, you can also find a proper way to submit an online plea register for your brand trademark. It is simpler and easier, and also waste less energy than actually visiting the DGIP office to apply for the trademark plea.

The World Bank Data website

You can find the official website of the World Bank Intellectual Property Data on On a certain website, there will be statistical data provided not only from Indonesia but the whole world (as what the site is for).

The World Intellectual Property Organization official website

The World Intellectual Property Organization site lands on wipo where you can find also more detailed information about the trademark database of Indonesia. Like the previous website, the web has lots of statistical data. Those statistical data are also pretty accurate and contain information even from a few years back then.

In this website, there is also a publication where you can find information about the Madrid system updates, the augmentation of the trademark, the culture and creative industry development, and other things related to trademark scope.

Other Reliable Site Where You Can Reach the Database

Next to the three official websites, you can also lookup for the Indonesia database for a trademark in these reliable sites below:

The Jumbo Mark Site

Land yourself on jumbomark to look up for some brand and trademark availability before registering your brand to the DGIP. The website itself is pretty well-managed and updated regularly, making it pretty reliable.

The Marcaria.Com Site

Next and last reliable site you can use to look up for some trademark databases in Indonesia on the site. The link to the site is trademark-search.marcaria , just like the previous site it is well managed and pretty reliable for an unofficial site. It also provides very clear and detailed data.

Those are the websites where you can find the trademark database from every brand in Indonesia before registering yours. It is great to stay prepared beforehand.

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