A mark is a symbol that is used by an entrepreneur on goods or services to get an identification from the consumer. If you have processed the trademark registration application at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, whether online or offline, your brand has been officially activated. However, before using it, you have to check the trademark indonesia registration status. Here are the ways how to check those statuses.

How to Trace Trademark Registration Status of Your Brand

1. Visit the Official Website of Directorate General of Intellectual Property

If you want to know the status of a brand, whether it has been registered or not, you can visit the official website of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property or DGIP, namely pdki-indonesia.dgip.go.id. On that page, there is a search engine that is used to find a particular brand. There are also options for the category that you are looking for, such as patents, brands, industrial designs, copyrights, and geographic indications.

Next step, select the brand category on the side of the box. If you want an organized search, click on the search box below. Then a box consisting of several parts of the search that you want will appear. It can be sorted by number, by period, by text, or by owner. You can find the type of the brand name in the search engine then click enter. After that, various trademarks that have been registered with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property will show.

2. Categorize Search Preferences

Not only that, but there is also information regarding the registration number, the start of protection date, registration date, and end period of the date. If you look at the bottom side, you can get class information which consists of the class code and type of goods or services. Then, on the below of the site, you can see the priority classification consists of number, date, and nationality.

3. Using IPR Consultant

Another way you can see it is by using an IPR consultant, which has information about the consultant, nationality, name, and address. In this menu bar, you can see a logo image of the registered brand. After that, you are able to look for the brand that you wanted. If you get the detailed brand with expired status, it means your registered mark must be renewed again in the Directorial General.

Meanwhile, trademark Indonesia that has not expired will be written as a registered or technical service. For a brand that has successfully accepted the status shown is registered, this indicates that the brand is in a protection time which is usually valid for ten years. But, a mark that is in the status of technical services indicates that it is still in the process of being examined or not yet fully registered.

In conclusion, those are how to check the status of a brand after registering the application process. You can do these methods before applying for the trademark. This process aims to find out whether there is a similarity on that brand that you will register with any labels of other companies. If your brand is the same as other companies, then you cannot complete the registration process.

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